The Siols.System
Equipment for the eyes
Top performance needs perfect vision. If you see poorly, you react more slowly and less precisely. Feels insecure and tires more easily. So it's clearly at a disadvantage. Quite apart from the fact that looking at the sports watch becomes an ordeal and the question often arises as to where the everyday glasses should be stowed away. That's why we developed the SIOLS.System. It is the only sports glasses system in the world to combine interchangeable sports glasses lenses, the VSN.Shields, with optical glazing, the OPT.Clip. Independent of each other, but ideally coordinated.

Perfect vision and comprehensive safety in sports are the prerequisites for performance and enjoyment.
Optimum eyesight means seeing more!
Our contribution: the utmost care in the optical glazing of your sports glasses or your sports glasses system.
Responsible Competence.
The SIOLS.System AERO Cycling Shields stand for speed and statement. They are perfectly tuned for use on the bike. The ACM ventilation system was developed in the wind tunnel for optimal performance at high speeds.
The SIOLS.System AERO Running Shields are the ultimate for running, workouts, hiking, tennis, golf, etc. Despite sweating, the glasses do not fog up, they fit perfectly. Unrestricted comfort and functionality are essential, especially for people who wear glasses.
The SIOLS.System AERO Thermo Shields are at their best below and around 0°. The double lenses keep you warm, the goggles do not fog up and are indispensable for ski tours, cross-country skiing and all types of winter sports.

SIOLS. Fusion Sun
The all-rounder. The SIOLS.Fusion Hybrid sports glasses are a true design icon and have been awarded the German Design Council's Innovation Prize 2021. They combine the advantages of sporty sunglasses with the functionality of proven sports glasses. It is light as a feather, robust and totally easy to handle.
Find SIOLS system partners in your area
More than 500 opticians are proven SIOLS specialists. They know all about our performance sports glasses with and without prescription lenses and will be happy to help you choose the right sports glasses as well as the glazing of your individual OPT.Clip system.